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DIM Supplements

What are DIM Supplements?

DIM Supplements or Diindolylmethane is a compound your body creates when your system digests cruciferous vegetables.

These cruciferous vegetables are low-calorie and are rich in folatevitamins C, E and K along with fiber. Fiber being an important nutrient to incorporate if you want to lose weight, since it helps keeping you full longer.

dim supplements

Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Arugula, Bok Choy, Radish and Turnips.

They are a very good source of
 phytonutrients, which are plant-based compounds that could help lower inflamation and reduce the risk of developping cancer.

cruciferous vegetables

Potential benefits of DIM Supplements

Eventhough research is still limited, it is believed that DIM supplements (cruciferous vegetables supplements) help balance estrogen levels in the body and associating a high intake of cruciferous vegetable intake to a risk reduction of certain types of cancers including breast and prostate cancer.

It may stimulate the production of a more beneficial form of estrogen known as 2-hydroxyestrone.

It can also help reduce weight gain by limiting the production of a stronger form of estrogen called 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone which is linked to weight gain and an increased risk of some cancers, including breast and uterine cancer.

DIM has also demonstrated to inhibit an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen.

The primary food sources of DIM is cruciferous vegetables but you'd have to ingest several servings a day to reap this compounds benefits.

This is why, people are turning to a concentrated form of Diindolylmethane found in DIM Supplements to help conditions like acne, prostate issues and weight gain.

May have anticancer effects

Animal studies suggest that DIM Supplements may help prevent the growth and the spread of cancer cells, human studies, however, are still limited.

In the same article, a yearlong study 130 women with breast cancer were given either a placebo or 150mg of DIM supplements twice a day.

DIM supplements receivers resulted in a significant improvement in the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone and 16-hydrozyestrone, which are being researched for their effects on reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Read complete study here!

May boost weight loss

Although no human studies currently support this effect, we know that estrogen plays a big role in regulating fat accumulation, so the ingestion of DIM Supplements may help weight loss.

But different studies show that an imbalance of estrogen, too much or too little, increases the risk of weight gain in both men and women.

DIM Supplements may also stimulate fat breakdown and inhibit fat cell formation.

In one of the studies on mice, 23mg of DIM per pound of body weight signficantly reduced the formation of new fat cells.

Read the study here!

Other uses and benefits DIM supplements may have

  • Help protect against prostate enlargement and cancer.
  • Relieve of PMS symptoms, changes in estrogen levels.
  • Correct estrogen imbalance linked to erectile dysfunction, breast growth and infertility. 
  • Reduce hot flashes caused by menopause and hormonal changes.
  • Slow some cancer cells.
  • Lower toxins produced by your body’s natural metabolism
  • Boost antioxidants
  • Promote weight loss & good muscle development
  • Enhance memory
  • Improve mood & prostate health
  • Support cardiovascular health.
Read more about the benefits!

Research on Diindolylmethane (DIM)

Research suggests that Diindolylmethane or DIM affects estrogen levels in the body.

This is why DIM supplements are getting more and more popular to treat a variety of hormone-related problems like menopause symtoms, acne, certain cancer forms and prostate issues.

Abstract of study:

“Diet is a modifiable factor associated with the risk of several cancers, with convincing evidence showing a link between diet and breast cancer. The role of bioactive compounds of food origin, including those found in cruciferous vegetables, is an active area of research in cancer chemoprevention. This review focuses on 3,3′- diindolylmethane (DIM), the major bioactive indole in crucifers. Research of the cancer-preventive activity of DIM has yielded basic mechanistic, animal, and human trial data. Further, this body of evidence is largely supported by observational studies. Bioactive DIM has demonstrated chemopreventive activity in all stages of breast cancer carcinogenesis. This review describes current evidence related to the metabolism and mechanisms of DIM involved in the prevention of breast cancer. Importantly, this review also focuses on current evidence from human observational and intervention trials that have contributed to a greater understanding of exposure estimates that will inform recommendations for DIM intake“.

Read full article here!

Metabolism of diindolylmethane from cruciferous vegetables

diindolylmethane end product
Courtesy of Nutritional Review published on website
Diindolylmethane is an end product of the pH-dependent metabolism of indole-3-carbinol. The concentration of diindolylmethane is highest in liver, followed by lung, kidney, and heart and, to a lesser extent, brain and plasma. Concentrations are time dependent, as demonstrated in a mouse model after supplementation with pure crystalline DIM at a dosage of 250 mg/kg. Read the full article here!

Primegenix DIM-3x™

Beware of cheap DIM Supplements

DIM 3X™ is an all-natural estrogen metabolizer that helps men balance their hormones for optimal physical performance. This product has been specially formulated to help men reduce their active estrogen levels.

This combination of ingredients help men:

  • Lowers Estrogen Levels
  • Supports Testosterone Production
  • Blocks Aromatase Enzyme
  • Boost Strength & Stamina
  • Enhances Mood & Focus
  • Top male enhancement pills

DIM 3X™ works by converting bad estrogen (2-hydroxyestrone) into good estrogen (16-alpha-hydroxy-estrone) metabolites.

By blocking the aromatase enzymes, this helps reduce testosterone from converting into estrogen, which is key for hormone balance.

DIM 3X™ provides extra hormone support for optimal testosterone levels.

High estrogen levels can make a man feel drained, fat and miserable.

Thankfully, DIM 3X™ is here to help men over age 40 with hormone issues. That’s because studies show DIM could help reduce estrogen levels. And with the proper balance of estrogen you could improve your overall well-being.

Summary info of DIM Supplements

    • DIM is a compound created by your body when you eat Cruciferous Vegetables and also found in concentrated forms and sold as DIM Supplements.
    • DIM may help in the treatment of various conditions, including hormone-sensitive cancers because of its effects on estrogen levels.
    • Only a few studies are available and further studies are needed.
    • No matter the effectiveness of DIM, eating more vegetables is always good for your health, since they are an important source of vitamins, nutrients like fiber, antioxidants and minerals.
  • Always consult a medical expert before taking DIM Supplements.
dim supplements side effects

Possible side effects of DIM Supplements

There are no long-term side effect studies on DIM Supplements.

However, at the moment, research doesn't show that DIM Supplements addition would be toxic or have long-term side effects.

Some common side-effects may include the darkening of urine, increase bowel movements, headaches and gas and the less common include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and skin rash.

In any case, because DIM Supplements interact with estrogen levels in your body, you should always seek the supervision of a medical professional before adding DIM Supplements to your daily diet, no matter what your medical history might be.

cruciferous vegetables

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Novasa Health